Fuel Bunkering Supply By Amancare

Get to Know the Types of Ship Fuel – Ships are one of the means  water transportation that is often used for various purposes, ranging from human transportation, to means of sending goods. Of course, to be able to operate over the ocean, ships need fuel as their main power source to run.

The fuel on the ship functions as an engine drive. In that case, did you know that ships have different types of fuel? Then, What are the types of transportation fuel? here’s the full review.

Fuel bunkering supply by Amancare, We always maintain the quality of our fuel.We always maintain the quality of ship fuel. We provide fuel supply to be used by vessels according to their type and needs. We also provide ship logistics to load fuel and distribute it among the available bunker tanks.

Marine Fuel Type

The history of water transportation fuel is quite long. But it doesn’t end there, the development of this fuel also occurs in types of fuel that are increasingly diverse and in accordance with their functions and uses. What are the types of fuel? Here’s the list.

1. Marine Fuel Oil or MFO

Marine fuel oil or commonly known as MFO is a fuel used in large-scale industrial kitchen combustion. In addition, MFO also drives the main engine of the ship with low rotation.

Basically MFO is combustion with a fast reaction between one particular compound and oxygen. This fuel is also the result of various complicated reactions. The process of burning fuel is accompanied by the release of heat and light.

This reaction allows pyrolysis to occur, namely the thermal breakdown of molecules into small molecules. This damage occurs without oxygen. If oxygen reacts it will cause a flame.

2. High Speed ​​​​​​Diesel or Diesel Oil

This type of fuel is used in engines with high speeds of more than 1000 rpm. The fuel on this ship is produced from the distillate cracking process of used lubricating oil.

The process of separating used lubricating oil and water is called the dewatering stage. This stage will make the fuel have a low water and sulfur content.

The raw materials and manufacturing processes make this fuel have various advantages. One of them is the high cetane index and cetane number which make the quality of combustion in the engine more perfect

3. Diesel oil or MDF

If MFO is the fuel for high engines above 1000 rpm, diesel or MDF is the fuel used for low engines below 1000 rpm. The manufacture of this fuel is almost the same as diesel oil and also has a high cetane number.


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